Thursday, March 17, 2011

Munchkins!! I've been looking forward to these ones...hehe

There are four munchkins in this show. ( plus three of the Lullaby League and two for the Lollipop Guild. )

Lullaby and Lollipop need a fitting before they're far enough for pictures, but here are the four munchkins!

They each have a pair of white bloomers to wear underneath, and they're wearing their hair in side buns with big polka dot bows wrapped around them.  :)

Here's a little close up of the bodices. 

Eeee!  So sweet!  I can't wait to get these onto the girls.  (Although I do have a sneaking suspicion that I have the skirt too long on one of  Oops.)


  1. When I grow up, I want to sew just like you! LOL I love this set of costumes - they're awesome!

  2. These costumes are right up my alley! Full of crazy colors!! Is it strange that I wish I was back in dance classes again?
